Monthly Profile - Chloe Steele

Tell us a little about yourself - who you are, where you’re from, what you do

Chloe Steele, a piper and Gaelic Singer from the Isle of South Uist. I dedicate much of my time to my community, teaching traditional music to youngsters and running various cultural events and projects. I am a recent graduate from the BA Applied Music course at the University of the Highlands and Islands and have recently been appointed as a Gaelic Training Officer for Multimedia at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council). 

What have you been doing recently? How has Covid19 changed things for you?

Throughout lockdown I’ve been involved in various online collaborations, concerts and projects which have kept me very busy! I think everyone is adapting to this new way of living in their own way and at their own pace. 

What are the most notable points/events in your career? (Good or bad!)

There have been so many highlights in my career already and I am so thankful for them all. However, my proudest achievement has to be making my own film documentary which explores the connection between the township of Boisdale in South Uist and Cape Breton. 

Who are your top 3 inspirational women?

My top 3 inspirational women are Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Fiona Dalgetty and Julie Fowlis. These are all women who I look up to an enormous amount and aspire to be like.

What’s the first record/album you ever bought?

I cannot remember the first album I ever bought but my first memory of listening to music apart from being in church was hearing songs sung by Calum Kennedy! I also have lots of memories of hearing the pipes as a child too - it always has been a huge part of our tradition here in Uist. 

Who are you listening to most right now?

I’m kept busy at the moment so rarely have time to sit and listen to music. However, I have spent a lot of time learning new material by listening to old archive recordings which has been something different. 

Any advice for aspiring musicians?

I would say if you have an idea that you want to peruse or develop, then be ambitious and innovative - there is nothing to lose, try it and if you don’t succeed then try again! Everyone is in the same boat with the same worries and concerns so just go for it, you never know what could come of it! 


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